Lee posted a comment in the last post asking if I had/could/would post a tip on how to achieve the 'Label Cloud' I use here, and one which I built for her.
Well, I haven't, I could, but I won't!
No, that is not a rude response. I am not going to post a tip on how to get that particular 'Label Cloud' and appear to take credit for it. Simply because I 'stole' it, and simply because phydeaux3 does a much better job.
If you visit his site through the link above you will see that he has a comprehensive tutorial on what you have to do to get the 'Label Cloud' to display on your site. Please do visit him and you will also realise that there are some really smart, and helpful Bloggers around. All you have to do is 'search'!
If you get into difficulties and you aren't able to contact the original author, please feel free to ask here and I will make every effort to help you out. Can't say fairer than that!