Sunday, 16 May 2010

TIP - Backup or Synchronise-2

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I haven't forgotten! It has taken a lot of time to 'test' out two or three pieces of software. I also made the mistake of running THREE backups at the same time (on different days of the week, of course!), and the result was that my 1TB external drive filled up so fast that it got to a point where it could take no more and gave up trying. Bummer!

All is back to normal after I deleted the backups I no longer required. Hopefully the programme I have selected to use will now pick up where it left off and continue to do my backups on a Sunday without whingeing again. I will tell you which one I settled on in a moment.

My intent was to point you at a FREE backup programme that would do the necessary tasks for you, one which you could download, install, schedule and forget about. The good news is that there is such a beast - two, actually! The ones I've been testing are:

  • Acronis True Image Home 2010  - (paid version $49.99 - WinXP, WinVista, Win7)
  • Genie-Soft Genie Backup Manager - (paid version €39.95 - WinXP, WinVista, Win7)
  • GoodSync (from the RoboForm stable) - (paid version $29.95 - WinXP, WinVista, Win7)
  • Microsoft SyncToy - (FREE - make sure you choose the right download - 32-bit or 64-bit - WinXP, WinVista, Win7)
  • Karen Kenworthy's Replicator - (FREE - I've been using her software for years - WinXP, WinVista, Win7)

Those were MY choices, but there are several out there that you can still take a look at. I will briefly discuss the two free ones in the next post.

I have elected to go with True Image for several reasons, not least of all because I paid for the damn thing. It was a heavily discounted offer and after a bit of research amongst the tech-smart guys on the web it appeared to be a wise choice. It may yet turn out to be a lemon, not least of all because Acronis seem to be building an appalling reputation for after-sales service.

We shall see ...


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Hi Terry,
I haven't blogged since October, and posted a couple last week. Was surprised to see this post of yours in the Links section of mine!

Fletch said...

That's what you get for leaving me in your 'Followers' list, Raji.

I have to confess I haven't visited your site lately, either. Many other things conspiring against blog activity.

Getting back to 'normal' (whatever that is!) and shall start trawling around Blog-land again, soon.

Be Happy!


Terry, I am only too happy to have you 'following' me.
But since my comment , your link has disappeared! Mysterious are the ways of the net.

Sniffles and Smiles said...

Hi, Terry...Sorry I missed this...but I'm here now...Online backup secure is it? I've been a little nervous about it to be still back stuff up on my external hard drive. BTW, love the "new" look of this blog...Looks like you've been overhauling here as well as at Carol's place :-) Hope you are well...Think you must be tinkering with your blogs as I've seen a number of test posts lately but then find I can't access them :-) Sending you all my very best! Hugs, Janine

Carolina said...

I've read your comment to one of Jinksy's posts in which you mention Windows Live Writer. Up to now I've struggled with Blogger's difficult lay-out possibilities. Thanks to you I've discovered Live Writer. Thank you!
I've mentioned you in a post I've just published, so if you get questions from strangers about WLW, you know why.
Carolina ;-)

Caddie said...

Hello Terry,
Forgive me imposing. Sniffles and Smiles, with praise for you sent me over. I have total problem when trying to use this Windows Live "thing". Don't know anything. I did a post "Dumb and Dumber" days ago. Can you take a read and possibly get me on track. Comprehension is getting worse daily. sigh...

Fletch said...

Congratulations on spreading the word about WLW. I've left a comment on the relevant post on your site ...

Left a comment on your site with links to some essential reading. If you are still stuck, just shout, and I'll be only too willing to help ...